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Whois Checker

You can use our Whois Domain Checker to view current information regarding: Registration and expiry date, Registrar company name, Owner name and contact information, DNS server, Organization, Address, and more.

Whois Checker

To check website or domain whois lookup, ip, status just enter a domain name, and click "Get WHOIS Data" button.

About our Whois Domain Checker Tool?

The WHOIS domain database is a list of all registered domains, and is regularly used for various legal purposes. Community administrators use the WHOIS research to identify and fix problems. You can use our Whois Domain Checker Online to view current information regarding: Domain registration date and expiry date, Registrar company name, Domain owner name and contact information, DNS server, Registry Domain ID and IcANA ID, Registrant organization name and full address, updated date, and more. Your WHOIS Lookup results will reveal who or what entity owns or manages that domain name, including their contact information. This tool gives you the ability to look up the registration data.

How to use Whois Checker By JioTools?

You don't have to be an Expert for this. You need to follow simple easy steps on the Below.

Step #1: Enter your domain URL on the "Enter a URL" space provided.
Step #2: Once you're done, click on blue "Get WHOIS Data" button to check.

You can also enjoy our free Website Management Tools like Full Website Analyzer, Sitemap Generator, and SSL Checker.

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